Monday, December 27, 2021

Success is Personal, So Stop Comparing Your Apples to Their Oranges

 | Inspirational Quotes |

Inspirational quote about success is personal so stop comparing apples to oranges.
Inspirational quotes and motivational quotes are important to have because they shape your thoughts and mindset.
The bottom line is that positive quotes on life are important. Most folks won’t tell you their secrets from the jump, but this secret is a little different. You should know this secret, so whoever kept it from you… shame on them.
Let me tell you a quick story that makes sense to all of us. It’s very familiar too, but somehow many of us have forgotten it.
You see, back when we were all young kids we had these things called imaginations. Some of us still have ’em, and we control our lives much the same way we ruled over our imaginary childhood kingdoms.
The goal here is not to push you back into the sandbox and tell you to start making sand castles again.
The goal we are aiming for is to gift you with one of the many tools for success that we all need in this life.

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